Thursday, 19 February 2009

Well we had a lovely dinner last night and then I had my usual coffee with amarula x 2 before going to bed. We were up quite early as it gets light really early over here. Had some breakfast and then decided to go on a walk.

You have to tell the office which walk you are going to do, time of departure and have to take with you: warm clothing as well as a waterproof, basic first aid kit, water, food, a torch and your cell phone as well. We also put on loads of insect repellant and sunscreen as well.

We decided to do the Gorge-Nandis Falls walk which is about 6.5km and takes +/-4 hours. We started out at 9.15 am (me with my packed lunch, drinks, plasters, torch, jumper, waterproof and cell phone - Martin with his water, waterproof and stick)!

What a fabulous walk, you firstly get to Sterkspruit Falls and then walk along the river. The scenery is absolutely stunning all around you. Martin said it was like Monar x 10! The mountains are certainly alot higher, greener and the paths not so steep which was a blessing.

Martin said it was like the hare and the tortoise - I would get way ahead of him and then sit and wait on a rock while he plodded along and caught me up. It was a stunning walk, very hot towards the end and we were leaking loads!

Got to the falls and they are beautiful, quite a bit of spray and you look up at them it almost seems like you are under the water falling over the edge. I had a few stops on the way up to eat my museli bars and then had the rest of my lunch at the falls.

We then started back through alot of grassland and then some lovely zig zag paths back to the office - took us just under the 4 hours to complete. We then headed straight for the shop and an ice cream and cold drink.

We then had lunch and now I have finally got Martin doing his record of the trip. He wanted to keep most of the brochures and permits, so I bought a big pad and glue for him to stick them all in order in the pad for his record. It has only taken (how long??) for me to get him started on it, but now it will be so much easier that he has started it.

Well we will love and leave you all now - hope your all fit and well.
Love and hugs to all xxx


Ann Bates said...

Hi Dee Martin good to hear you are having a fabulous time and keeping Martin on his toes. The weather hear is improving and getting a liitle warmer. Lots of catching up to do. Look forward to seeing the photo's when you can get them on. Take care Love and good wishes. Ann

Anonymous said...

Hello you two, sounds like you are still having a great time, good that you are able to do walks and stretch your legs now and then. I think we would love to be going on the adventure that you are on as I never imagined Africa having all these lovely places. Well done Martin with your folder, keep up the good work.
Love you, take care, lots of love Mum and Col xx