Our campsite at Fibwe Hide Camp in Kasanka N.P.
We set off North with Garth (our guide) on 07 July, started on our merry way abeit very slowly as they are doing up the main road between Lusaka and Livingstone. The first 50km or so was horrible to the point where you actually go off the main road onto a dirt track which had a few major potholes in it, but there was much worse to come!!!
Just as we were driving into the village of Ruze the side back window exploded (with a huge bang, just shattered), my God I thought I had been shot at!! I was the sucker in the back that day, but it seems that it just decided to blow of its own accord. So we had to get out the hoover/vacumn cleaner to clear up all the glass in, around and over me and the back of the car. Once done it was a windy old trip up to Fringilla Lodge on the Great North Road.
We camped and had a lovely dinner there and the following morning their carpenter arrived to help repair the damage. He made a lovely plywood window for us which Garth and Martin then covered in silver duct tape - looks as good as new... well almost. At least we have a window of sorts.
We carried onto Kabwe where we were getting on our supplies and the sim card for the computer, also Garth needed money, but unfortunately no Standard Chartered Bank there. We carried on to Mkushi to fuel up and Garth trying for money but once again no Standard Chartered bank. We were able to get money from the ATM to see us through this part of the trip.
Got to Kasanka National Park and drove to Wasa the main camp to sign in and ask about activities etc. Then we drove to Fibwe Hide Camp which was beautiful. Set up camp (Martin got biten by ants while putting up the tent). Went for a game drive in the area to see the lay of the land.
I made a lovely roast chicken dinner in the potjie pot and we got off to bed. I seem to be getting another horrible cold at this point. The temperature has dropped considerably up in this neck of the woods.
We got up really early to go up to the hide which was located about 12-14 metres up in a huge mahogoney tree to try and spot sitatunga. We waited freezing our butts off for about an hour before we finally saw one - how exciting. By the time we came down after about 3 hours we had seen 6 in total - very awesome. We also saw what we thought were a pair of Chaplins Barbet (only to find out later they were in fact Black Backed Barbet - thanks Mark)!
Came down and had a lovely breakfast then went on a walk with a scout through some of the forest and miombo woodland. What a fabulous place - had a lovely walk and also saw out first Ross's Turaco very cool. Then we went for a drive in the afternoon - started out great until we heard a gunshoot close by whilst driving. After making a hasty retreat we carried on down another region of the park. We found out the next day it was poachers and the anti poaching unit had been dispatched fairly quickly - so we can only hope they got the buggers.
Well it has gotten to dark for me to carry on today so will finish the update tomorrow. Hope you are all well and sending big huge hugs and kisses to all xxx
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