Typical Delta!
We ended up staying the night at Clint's place. Pieter was visiting friends in SA so Clint's Mum, Lynne was staying. We had a lovely dinner with Lynne and a great hot shower to boot.
Got up nice and early the following morning to make our way back to Khwai and see that our trailer had made it through the night okay?? Driving to and from Maun involves driving through Moremi Reserve which is great - loads of wildlife around and especially elephants.
We arrived back to Khwai in good time and got all hooked up again for the continuing journey to Khwai. We drove through some fabulous landscapes and saw a diverse amount of game. At one stage we saw vultures circling and sitting on an elephant carcas. Martin & Clint walked out to have a look - I stayed at the car and got some photos of them cautiously making their way out. Fortunately no lions in the bushes resting after eating this time round.
We got to our campsite in Khwai which is covered in elephant poo (it's literally everywhere)! Also 2 bull elephants were in camp when we arrived, we had to put up camp with a watchful eye on where they were. What a fabulous place Khwai is, it must be one of the few wildlife areas left where there is a huge amount of wildlife and not so many people around.
We had lunch under the watchful eyes of several bull elephants passing through camp to the river. Also the birdlife is great here as well. Late afternoon we went off on a game drive and saw vervet monkey's trying to destroy another camp where they had managed to get some bread rolls out of the tent - very funny.
We saw loads of elephants, kudu, impala, hippos, giraffe and all manner of amazing habitats and sights. We got back to camp and had a fab dinner and then decided to do a night drive. We saw a genet, spring hares was great fun, although as Martin sat in the front and decided to control the spotlight I mostly saw his big bum!
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