Saturday, 20 June 2009

Well we had another entertaining afternoon. Mike, Clint and Mike all went guinea fowl shooting and I was the designated driver! So we drove in and even saw an ellie on the way.

Unfortunstely due to the rains last week there must still be alot of water around and we only saw 3 flocks of fowl (one being a flock of 1)!!!

Had a lovely braai and this morning we are heading off to Tsodilo Hills. Not sure if I will be able to keep in touch until we get to Zambia now.

Love and hugs xxx


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, want to wish someone a very happy birthday on Wednesday, not sure when you will pick this up, but will be thinking of you both and will have a drink with you. Sounds like you are set for your trip thu Zambia, enjoy. Lots of love Mum and Colin xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin and Dee. Hope you are both well. Pleased to see all is going well for you and you are obviously having a great time. Fascinated to read about your experiences. Happy Birthday (tuesday ?) Martin, Love Mark, Tracey and family