Well we have had quite a good day today. We went to Profit this morning at 8am as the air conditioning was not working in the car. It seems that they forgot to refill the gas in the UK, but on further inspection they whole back unit was taken out as requested, but none of the pipes were then blocked up! The guys at Profit had to take pipes out and refit new pipes, took about 3 and a bit hours to complete and now we have air conditioning back in the front. As it was only about 27 degrees today it wasn't really needed though.
Then we were back to Bushwakka to get the tow ball sorted out - we now have such a heavy duty towball that if it were to break half the car would be going with it, needless to say I don't think there will be any problems with it now. They have to do some last minute adjustments to it tomorrow to complete it and all should be honky dorey.
Tomorrow we have still got a few things to sort out and so we may stay at the same campsite down the road where we stayed last week, then head on south on Thursday - fingers crossed that we do actually finally get away.
Tonight we took Jeremy and Kim out for dinner (one of the Hewitt brothers) as they were the ones who showed us the ropes last week and we have definitely found new friends in SA Worcester to be exact, thanks for your company and we had a lovely evening.
Well thanks for the message Paul and have a great time in Oz.
Love and hugs to all xxx
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Monday, 26 January 2009
Well it seems like the tow ball is a much bigger job than we all thought! We will definitely be staying in Worcester for tonight and also tomorrow night. Also we have to get the gas back into the air conditioner unit as they forget to refill it in the UK - hopefully that is the only reason that it is not working all will be revealed tomorrow.
We have just had a lovely dinner outside our room at the hotel in Worcester and it was yummy scrummy. Will have an early night tonight and hopefully get everything completed tomorrow so that we can start making our way on Wednesday - watch this space.
Plan is to head to the most southern point in South Africa which is Cape Agulhus, but they have had storms and flooding there last week so will have to see how things go.
Will keep you all posted. Thanks to the Newnes trio for their message and we sent our love to you all.
Hugs and kisses to all xxx
We have just had a lovely dinner outside our room at the hotel in Worcester and it was yummy scrummy. Will have an early night tonight and hopefully get everything completed tomorrow so that we can start making our way on Wednesday - watch this space.
Plan is to head to the most southern point in South Africa which is Cape Agulhus, but they have had storms and flooding there last week so will have to see how things go.
Will keep you all posted. Thanks to the Newnes trio for their message and we sent our love to you all.
Hugs and kisses to all xxx
Well we got back to the V & A Hotel at the Waterfront about 2.30pm yesterday. We managed to get a big bag of laundry into the ladies for washing so we should start the trip with all fresh, clean smelling clothes.
Last night we went to our favourite restaurant for dinner - Baia which is upstairs in the Waterfront. We had 11 of my friends join us for dinner which was fantastic. Was so lovely to catch up with everyone and such a nice way for us to say our Cape Town goodbye. Leanne, James, Barbs, Baz, Kath, Richard, Lizzie, Crusty, Trevor, Chris and Andy.
Today we will do some last minute shopping here at the Waterfront before once again heading out to Worcester. The last adjustments should be done on the trailer which only leaves the strengthing of the towball. Bushwakka will deal with it for us as it is no where strong enough for the weight of the trailer on it.
Thats why it was a great exercise camping three nights close to try out everything and make sure that it all works well. We will spend the night in Worcester and hopefully start the trip tomorrow.
Love and hugs to all xxx
Last night we went to our favourite restaurant for dinner - Baia which is upstairs in the Waterfront. We had 11 of my friends join us for dinner which was fantastic. Was so lovely to catch up with everyone and such a nice way for us to say our Cape Town goodbye. Leanne, James, Barbs, Baz, Kath, Richard, Lizzie, Crusty, Trevor, Chris and Andy.
Today we will do some last minute shopping here at the Waterfront before once again heading out to Worcester. The last adjustments should be done on the trailer which only leaves the strengthing of the towball. Bushwakka will deal with it for us as it is no where strong enough for the weight of the trailer on it.
Thats why it was a great exercise camping three nights close to try out everything and make sure that it all works well. We will spend the night in Worcester and hopefully start the trip tomorrow.
Love and hugs to all xxx
Well we have been camping beside the Breede River just outside Worcester for three nights to try out the trailer and see how everything works. We went out on Thursday night and Jeremy, Kim his wife, Jack & Holly his two kids (Jeremy is one of the Hewitt brothers who own Bushwakka) came out in their Bushwakka trailer and stayed with us to show us the ropes.
We had great fun and it all seems so easy to put up and down when the expert is showing you how it is done! We will find out how much we remember on Tuesday I guess if we stay in a campsite. Had a braai Thursday night (Peter it is a BBQ) and then Kim cooked us a springbok potjie on Friday night which was beautiful.
Jasper the other Hewitt brother came out with his wife and family on Friday night to join us for dinner lovely to meet the families. A huge big thank you to the Hewitt brothers for our most awesome and fabulous trailer, for making it just as we wanted (actually even better than we expected).
Saturday some friends of mine from Cape Town came out for the afternoon and spent the night with us. Thanks a million to Leanne, James, Barbs, Baz, Andy and of course Max (the dog). We had a magic relaxing time catching up with you all.
Then Sunday was time to 'break camp' all went quite well. We then dropped our trailer off at Bushwakka before heading into Cape Town - my God do we know the Huguenot Tunnel well it is just short of 4km long and goes through the mountains to get to Worcester, it costs 21 Rand each time you use it and is hotter by one degree inside it than the outside temperature!
Well I have just tried to attach a photo of tghe tunnel, but can't seem to do it will try later.
Thanks for all the messages I love getting them all.
Love and hugs to all xxx
We had great fun and it all seems so easy to put up and down when the expert is showing you how it is done! We will find out how much we remember on Tuesday I guess if we stay in a campsite. Had a braai Thursday night (Peter it is a BBQ) and then Kim cooked us a springbok potjie on Friday night which was beautiful.
Jasper the other Hewitt brother came out with his wife and family on Friday night to join us for dinner lovely to meet the families. A huge big thank you to the Hewitt brothers for our most awesome and fabulous trailer, for making it just as we wanted (actually even better than we expected).
Saturday some friends of mine from Cape Town came out for the afternoon and spent the night with us. Thanks a million to Leanne, James, Barbs, Baz, Andy and of course Max (the dog). We had a magic relaxing time catching up with you all.
Then Sunday was time to 'break camp' all went quite well. We then dropped our trailer off at Bushwakka before heading into Cape Town - my God do we know the Huguenot Tunnel well it is just short of 4km long and goes through the mountains to get to Worcester, it costs 21 Rand each time you use it and is hotter by one degree inside it than the outside temperature!
Well I have just tried to attach a photo of tghe tunnel, but can't seem to do it will try later.
Thanks for all the messages I love getting them all.
Love and hugs to all xxx
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Well we went out to Worcester on Monday and started packing our things into the trailer and vehicle. The visas for Angola only last for 2 months so we will have to try and arrange them in Johannesburg instead. We spent the night on Monday at Worcester and finished packing up the trailer.
Today Bushwakka are taking our vehicle to a testing station and this will then validate our insurance for it. We have to get some food shopping and a few other bits and pieces then we will head out to Worcester again.
Last night we were invited to one of the 'Seapoint Dinners' at Chris and Trevors place. Lizzie, Leanne & James were also there so lovely to catch up with them all. A huge thank you to Chris & Trevor for such a lovely night.
Thursday we are going to a camp site near Worcester to have a test run with the whole kit - trailer and vehicle. Jeremy from Bushwakka and his wife and kids will also stay in their trailer that night so that they can show us how things work and how to put it all up and down - so should be a fun time! I suspect that it will be entertainment for the rest of the campers!!
We are also hoping to stay Friday and Saturday night in a campsite around Worcester so that any of our friends from Cape Town can come and visit and see the complete outfit and spend a night with us if the like or go home in the evening.
I think the plan is to try and start the 'big adventure' either Monday or Tuesday. I only hope that I can get access on the computer so that we can keep in touch with you all.
Well as always love and hugs to you all xxx
Today Bushwakka are taking our vehicle to a testing station and this will then validate our insurance for it. We have to get some food shopping and a few other bits and pieces then we will head out to Worcester again.
Last night we were invited to one of the 'Seapoint Dinners' at Chris and Trevors place. Lizzie, Leanne & James were also there so lovely to catch up with them all. A huge thank you to Chris & Trevor for such a lovely night.
Thursday we are going to a camp site near Worcester to have a test run with the whole kit - trailer and vehicle. Jeremy from Bushwakka and his wife and kids will also stay in their trailer that night so that they can show us how things work and how to put it all up and down - so should be a fun time! I suspect that it will be entertainment for the rest of the campers!!
We are also hoping to stay Friday and Saturday night in a campsite around Worcester so that any of our friends from Cape Town can come and visit and see the complete outfit and spend a night with us if the like or go home in the evening.
I think the plan is to try and start the 'big adventure' either Monday or Tuesday. I only hope that I can get access on the computer so that we can keep in touch with you all.
Well as always love and hugs to you all xxx
Monday, 19 January 2009
Well we have checked out of the V & A Hotel this morning and it is a bit of a waiting game now! We are waiting for the lady to phone us about the Angolan visas and as she is at the consulate we are not sure when she will get back to us!
We are hoping to be able to go out to Worcester and start packing all of our gear into the trailer. Hopefully she will phone sooner than later.
The weather is still lovely here in Cape Town although there is alot of wind at times - it's that time of the year.
Bushwakka are going to arrange an airbag on the suspension of our vehicle as it seems that it is needed. We still have to take the vehicle to a testing station here in SA so that we can validate the insurance. So still a few things to sort out. Also still about 6 friends to catch up with before we leave.
If all goes well we are hoping to leave here next Monday to start the 'big adventure'!
Well love and hugs to all xxx
Wendy & Zac
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Well we had a lovely day today. Drove out to see Crusty, Kato & Crumb for the day. THey have a lovely place and are close to the beach as well. We had a great lunch and then went for a walk around the 'village' and back along the beach - very windy but beautiful!!
We then had a braai in the evening and Crumb kept us all entertained! Had a fantastic time and thanks to all three for a lovely day. I will try and post a photo tomorrow morning once I download the camera.
Tomorrow we will try and start getting our Angola visas sorted.
Love and hugs to all xxx
We then had a braai in the evening and Crumb kept us all entertained! Had a fantastic time and thanks to all three for a lovely day. I will try and post a photo tomorrow morning once I download the camera.
Tomorrow we will try and start getting our Angola visas sorted.
Love and hugs to all xxx
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Well we have had a good day! Lizzie (A friend of mine) picked us up this morning and took us to the 'Old Biscuit Mill' in Woodstock. We met Chris & Trevor there (more friends of mine). It has become a sort of upmarket shopping centre and every Saturday there is a market takes place in and around the shops.
There is a fabulous food market, we had a biltong and leek quiche, organic lamb burger and a tuna steak burger (too die for)!! Then it was mojhitos yum! Came back to the Waterfront and meet up with two more friends (Justine and Wendy and Wendy's little boy Zac).
We are going to have dinner with them all tonight at The Tank in De Waterkant which should be good. Going out to visit and stay with Crusty, Kato & Crumb tomorrow at Kommetjie (yet more friends of mine)!!
Weather is simply fantastic although it does get a little on the windy side at times. I will try and attach another photo of our trailer now.
Mum, Colin, Richard & Pam thanks for your messages - lovely to hear from you all.
This is our bedroom!!! Love and hugs to all xxx
Friday, 16 January 2009
OK the huge and most fantastic news is that we got the car today - YIPEE!!! Adeeb (the clearing agent is a magician). We weren't really expecting to be able to do anything until next week, but he phoned us this morning and said 'you better get down here to the customs house'.
We jumped in a taxi and were there in 10 minutes. Adeeb was just walking out and he said we had to go with him, but that he had actually managed to get it all cleared. We had to act like we didn't know though until we were told officially.
When we got to the container terminal our container looked so little amongst all of the huge ones! They pulled it forward and chopped off the lock and our car was set free! I had to crawl in the back over all of the luggage to put the car in neutral and steer it while they pulled it out.
Big problem though totally flat battery!!! We thought the battries had been disconnected, but they hadn't!! So one of the staff jumped in a bakkie and got two battries as it is 24 volt and a normal car couldn't jump start it.
He came back and they replaced our battries with his and then started up our little beauty - hurrah she goes like a dream. Then we had to swap our battries back in one at a time - very hot about 27 degrees and I have got the very red shoulders to prove it.
Anyway after giving the little man some money for being our hero we set off to the Waterfront. Adeeb met us and we paid him and had a drink before he headed away. If ever anyone needs anything clearing in Cape Town he is the man to see - he has been doing it for 15 years and is very professional and knows exactly how to get on with things.
So we then drove our beast out to Worcester to Bushwakka (where they made our most wonderful trailer) so that the two can be married up properly. We are now back with the beast safe and secure in Worcester.
Okay well I have just tried to upload pictures of our tent, but it just doesn't want to play the game today. I will get back on tomorrow morning and put on photos for you all to see.
Well we are off to celebrate getting out the car - love and hugs to all xx
We jumped in a taxi and were there in 10 minutes. Adeeb was just walking out and he said we had to go with him, but that he had actually managed to get it all cleared. We had to act like we didn't know though until we were told officially.
When we got to the container terminal our container looked so little amongst all of the huge ones! They pulled it forward and chopped off the lock and our car was set free! I had to crawl in the back over all of the luggage to put the car in neutral and steer it while they pulled it out.
Big problem though totally flat battery!!! We thought the battries had been disconnected, but they hadn't!! So one of the staff jumped in a bakkie and got two battries as it is 24 volt and a normal car couldn't jump start it.
He came back and they replaced our battries with his and then started up our little beauty - hurrah she goes like a dream. Then we had to swap our battries back in one at a time - very hot about 27 degrees and I have got the very red shoulders to prove it.
Anyway after giving the little man some money for being our hero we set off to the Waterfront. Adeeb met us and we paid him and had a drink before he headed away. If ever anyone needs anything clearing in Cape Town he is the man to see - he has been doing it for 15 years and is very professional and knows exactly how to get on with things.
So we then drove our beast out to Worcester to Bushwakka (where they made our most wonderful trailer) so that the two can be married up properly. We are now back with the beast safe and secure in Worcester.
Okay well I have just tried to upload pictures of our tent, but it just doesn't want to play the game today. I will get back on tomorrow morning and put on photos for you all to see.
Well we are off to celebrate getting out the car - love and hugs to all xx
Well hi to you all, sorry I didn't manage to get a new posting out yesterday, but it is a struggle to get access in the evening here!
Well we went and met the new clearing guy yesterday and he seems very professional and knows what he is doing - so all good so far. In fact we have to be ready to move this morning in case the customs would like to get it all cleared up today before the weekend. Maybe - maybe not me thinks!
We then went to Worcester to see our trailer and it is fantastic - my God what a fabulous job they have made of it. Everything as we wanted it.
I will have to put the photos on later as I am struggling to get them on at the moment.
Love to all from us xxx
Well we went and met the new clearing guy yesterday and he seems very professional and knows what he is doing - so all good so far. In fact we have to be ready to move this morning in case the customs would like to get it all cleared up today before the weekend. Maybe - maybe not me thinks!
We then went to Worcester to see our trailer and it is fantastic - my God what a fabulous job they have made of it. Everything as we wanted it.
I will have to put the photos on later as I am struggling to get them on at the moment.
Love to all from us xxx
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Well another lovely day in Cape Town!! Oh God we could get very used to this!! Well our shipping agent does not want to deal with us now - they can't as they only deal with vehicles and no personal effects! So we have been passed over to another clearing agent now. Tomnorrow we are hoping to find out where they are and what they can do for us! Fingers crossed and toes I think.
We are hiring a car tomorrow for the next 4 days as we don't think we will be seeing anything of the vehicle until next week so time to visit all the friends. We will also maybe go on a helicopter flight in the area which should be lovely.
You will never guess who we bumped into today........ Oh god I am having real trouble putting a photo on today. But it is Nelson Mandela, de Clerk, Desmond Tutu and Luthli.... yeah! Oh well I will try and put the photo on tomorrow.
Love and hugs to all
Dee & Martin xx
We are hiring a car tomorrow for the next 4 days as we don't think we will be seeing anything of the vehicle until next week so time to visit all the friends. We will also maybe go on a helicopter flight in the area which should be lovely.
You will never guess who we bumped into today........ Oh god I am having real trouble putting a photo on today. But it is Nelson Mandela, de Clerk, Desmond Tutu and Luthli.... yeah! Oh well I will try and put the photo on tomorrow.
Love and hugs to all
Dee & Martin xx
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Well hi to everyone! Yes we are finally here after a bit of a hellish flight! Martin managed to get an exit seat which meant loads more leg room for him, but I was at the back of the plane - so even if I yelled he wouldn't hear me!
The poor lovely old man who was sitting next to me must have wondered what he had struck as I sat there blubbing when we took off from Heathrow!
Anyway we are here in Cape Town - hurrah and went straight to the hotel which is lovely and a fraction of the price for the Cape Grace. We are right in the centre of the V&A Waterfront which is great. Got straight into the room which was fantastic and had a shower and shave (me the shower and not the shave by the way)and then went for lunch. Mine was quite frankly yukky (fortunately I wasn't that hungry and Martin had a lovely lunch.
We then had ice creams as it is about 22 degres on arrival which were fab!!!!! Choc Choc Chip - yummmmmmy!
Then it was off to see the people about getting the car out. Ship only docked this morning which is good. Our Taxi Driver was almost 100 (just kidding only 69) and getting lost all over the place. Finally made it to Hannibal and saw Jaques who hasn't actually been involved in any vehicles being shipped before. Lovely fellow and he told us to go direct to the shipping agent.
We managed to get there eventually, after reversing up the on ramp onto a motorway as we didn't really want to take it!!! Martin was duly told to step out of the taxi and stop the traffic while we reversed - taxi driver said no one would argue with someone so big!
Finally arrived at shipping agent office and meet our fellow who is awesome. A bit of a hiccup though as it seems that you must record all items that you put in the vehicle when you ship it - God I hope they don't take the Champagne and sloe gin off us!!!!
Tomorrow will reveal more as to how difficult or easy it will be to get this vehicle out - fingers crossed for us as we would dearly love an easier run!
Hope all of you are well and we are thinking of you all - Wizzy make sure that you take Tris for a walk at least three times a day!!
Love to you all
Dee & Martin xxx
Monday, 5 January 2009
Well yes it is still winter over here!! This is what we woke up to this morning and has definitely given us something to smile about as we leave the UK in under a week now! Wizzy loved it!
Thanks to Mum, Colin, The Coopers & Kerri & Ken for their messages. Also hi to the Frusher Family, Richard & Pamela and also Chris Allen and family for becoming followers. I only hope that I will be able to get onto this blog most days in Africa so that you can all see where we are and what we are up to. I will also make sure that I post a few photos now and then for you all to see (would hate for you all to forget what we look like)!!
Well I'm off to the Doc again today for another rabies jab (Martin says I will probably come out foaming at the mouth)!!
Speak to you all soon love Martin & Dee xx
Saturday, 3 January 2009

Well I hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas and even better New Years with a bit of bubbly involved! Thanks to the Frushers and Hoburns for their messages.
We got some photos of our completed trailer for Christmas from the Bushwakka boys in South Africa so here it is!
It is a fully self contained unit including microwave, two hob gas rings, fridge, freezer, generator, roof top tent and all the mod cons (well as far as camping is concerned) that's for sure.
Not long now and we have finally sorted the flights out, well all the long haul ones anyway. I still have to book flights from Sydney to Brisbane, then Brisbane to Auckland and then Auckland to Sydney, I'm sure that I will have it sorted before we leave!
I had a shooting lesson yesterday, Tristram bought me a lesson with his friend John who happens to be an English International. What a lovely guy and made it all seem really easy - I even managed 4 or 5 pairs at the end of the session (50 cartridges shot) and loved every minute of it!
Well I had better get on and change the dates on the itinerary so that it will be as up to date as I can possibly make it at this stage.
Love to all Dee & Martin xx
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