Well hi to everyone! Yes we are finally here after a bit of a hellish flight! Martin managed to get an exit seat which meant loads more leg room for him, but I was at the back of the plane - so even if I yelled he wouldn't hear me!
The poor lovely old man who was sitting next to me must have wondered what he had struck as I sat there blubbing when we took off from Heathrow!
Anyway we are here in Cape Town - hurrah and went straight to the hotel which is lovely and a fraction of the price for the Cape Grace. We are right in the centre of the V&A Waterfront which is great. Got straight into the room which was fantastic and had a shower and shave (me the shower and not the shave by the way)and then went for lunch. Mine was quite frankly yukky (fortunately I wasn't that hungry and Martin had a lovely lunch.
We then had ice creams as it is about 22 degres on arrival which were fab!!!!! Choc Choc Chip - yummmmmmy!
Then it was off to see the people about getting the car out. Ship only docked this morning which is good. Our Taxi Driver was almost 100 (just kidding only 69) and getting lost all over the place. Finally made it to Hannibal and saw Jaques who hasn't actually been involved in any vehicles being shipped before. Lovely fellow and he told us to go direct to the shipping agent.
We managed to get there eventually, after reversing up the on ramp onto a motorway as we didn't really want to take it!!! Martin was duly told to step out of the taxi and stop the traffic while we reversed - taxi driver said no one would argue with someone so big!
Finally arrived at shipping agent office and meet our fellow who is awesome. A bit of a hiccup though as it seems that you must record all items that you put in the vehicle when you ship it - God I hope they don't take the Champagne and sloe gin off us!!!!
Tomorrow will reveal more as to how difficult or easy it will be to get this vehicle out - fingers crossed for us as we would dearly love an easier run!
Hope all of you are well and we are thinking of you all - Wizzy make sure that you take Tris for a walk at least three times a day!!
Love to you all
Dee & Martin xxx
Hi there, well hope everything goes well getting your vehicle and you manage to fit inside the container Dee!! You will be pleased with the weather - I know we are getting a bit sick of the heat over here down south they are having temps in the 30's!! Keep smiling. Lots of love The Coopers x
Hi you two!!!
Sounds all good and glad you arrived safely in Grape Town haha. Dee enjoy the wine sweetie!!!!
Anyway we will be ariving there on the 11th of Feb so cant wait. Sarah will be straight into the wine whilst this will be first time in Africa without a drop haha. Im still dry.
Anyway guys not sure how your itienary ( can never spell that word, Afrikaner hahah) goes but I think we wil miss eachother on the Garden Route. We will be at Victoria Bay from the 23 rd of Feb by which time I think you guys would have past already. Anyway appy travels.
Keep blogging!!!
Hi Dee & Martin
Was pleased to hear your voice last night to say arrived safely thank you. hope you don't have any probs with getting vehicle off and out. Will look forward to hearing how you get on, you will be itching to get going. Lots love Col and Mum xx
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