Well I hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas and even better New Years with a bit of bubbly involved! Thanks to the Frushers and Hoburns for their messages.
We got some photos of our completed trailer for Christmas from the Bushwakka boys in South Africa so here it is!
It is a fully self contained unit including microwave, two hob gas rings, fridge, freezer, generator, roof top tent and all the mod cons (well as far as camping is concerned) that's for sure.
Not long now and we have finally sorted the flights out, well all the long haul ones anyway. I still have to book flights from Sydney to Brisbane, then Brisbane to Auckland and then Auckland to Sydney, I'm sure that I will have it sorted before we leave!
I had a shooting lesson yesterday, Tristram bought me a lesson with his friend John who happens to be an English International. What a lovely guy and made it all seem really easy - I even managed 4 or 5 pairs at the end of the session (50 cartridges shot) and loved every minute of it!
Well I had better get on and change the dates on the itinerary so that it will be as up to date as I can possibly make it at this stage.
Love to all Dee & Martin xx
Dear Dee and Martin
WOW your trailer looks great, could use it at the beach with the caravan?? Not long now and you will be up and away, hope to hear from you before you leave England
Mum and Col
Love the trailer it looks awesome. Glad everything is getting into place and I think you should have most of your flights organized by now too. Talk soon. Love The Coopers xxx
Ken & Kerri
We love the vehicle and the trailer, have been trying to sent you notes but they don't seem to work see if this one comes out.
You will be set with that trailer look real good with all the modern cons. too. Luv Ken and Kerri. xxx
hi guys carla here, maureens daughter, just working out how to tell brian to add a comment.....hope you are both well
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