Well yes it is still winter over here!! This is what we woke up to this morning and has definitely given us something to smile about as we leave the UK in under a week now! Wizzy loved it!
Thanks to Mum, Colin, The Coopers & Kerri & Ken for their messages. Also hi to the Frusher Family, Richard & Pamela and also Chris Allen and family for becoming followers. I only hope that I will be able to get onto this blog most days in Africa so that you can all see where we are and what we are up to. I will also make sure that I post a few photos now and then for you all to see (would hate for you all to forget what we look like)!!
Well I'm off to the Doc again today for another rabies jab (Martin says I will probably come out foaming at the mouth)!!
Speak to you all soon love Martin & Dee xx
just testing to see if the message comes through. hope the jabs were not to painful. Ann Bates
Hi Dee & Martin
What a pretty scene you woke up to, I guess we can say that as we are bathed in sunshine over here. Getting the hay in today. Lovely talking to you this morning.
Love Mum
Hi Dee and Martin,
Your 4 wheel drive and trailer look real beaut.The snow around your house looks great.Pity it wasnt xmas.It is hot here and we are in the pool most days.Hope you hasve a great time on your trip.keep in touch. Lots of love,
Dad & Maureen xxxxx
Hi Dee & Martin
I bet you are feeling the cold over there with all that snow, it looks like the dog loves it. I bet you notice the difference in temperature once you get to Africa, I hope you have a great trip over there and keep in touch, I tried posting a comment before but it didn't work and we lost it all so I will call Dad and see how he got his comments on there. I must be hitting the wrong button or something. Thanks for the flight details for April I have Thursdays off work so I will come down to Brisbane to meet you also. Not long now. Have fun and take care. Love Kerri, Ken, Shayne, and Adam xxxx
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