Sunday 22 February 2009

This afternoon we went for a walk (Echo Ravine) which was very cool. The baboons followed us around the cliffs (must be the only entertainment they get)! They are so agile on the cliff faces and watching 3 youngsters play fighting was unbelievable - I wonder how many ever (if any) fall off??

The walk was great, but Martin decided that the track had got too narrow and wouldn't go any further. I carried on up to the waterfall at the end of the ravine and true to form did the yelling thing to see how good the echo was!

The two overhangs on either side almost, but not quite meet in the middle - see the photos I took (hopefully if it lets me upload them.

Anyway all my washing is dry and away in my drawer - yipee. Oh what fun I can hear you all saying, but you seriously have to think about these things if you are going to be camping for awhile. When you come and join us for a bit you will find out! Who's game??

Well we are just about to have drinks and then I will start cooking dinner - Chilli Con Carne tonight - with a difference as I have just realised that I don't have any chilli - oh well tabasco sauce will have to do.

Hope your all fit and well as we are?
Loads of love, kisses and hugs to all xxx

1 comment:

Ann Bates said...

Hi sorry I missed your call on friday
Everything is fine back here planted the laurel hedge and rhodo's on friday looking good . Going out to France for a week to do some repairs after the cyclone (185 mile an hour winds recorded)did damage to the roof and flattened the greenhouse. The photos show some amazing scenery. Good to know you are having a fantastic time. Catch up when I return. Love and good wishes Ann.